Press Reviews

"Thrilled to watch this mesmerising art form by Yamuna and her students."

- John Cornyn US Senator 

"Let not your talent limit itself to India and American audience alone,may your fragrance spread worldwide."

- His Holiness Sri Sri Shivaratri Deshikendra Swamiji, Sri Suttur Mutt,Mysore

"A great achievement indeed at such an young age, 'Natya Kovode' conferred on her is truly a recognition of her talents."

- Sri H.D Devegowda Former Prime Minister of India on the occasion of conferring the Award at Chicago

"I recognise in Yamuna as a true representative and torchbearer of the Mysore School of dance amongst my students."

- Padmabhushana Dr. K. Venkatalakshmamma

"Yamuna is a cultural representataive of our university on several occasions bringing great laurels and appreciation."

- Prof. M.Madaiah  Former Vice-Chancellor, University of Mysore

"Its not Rock & Roll But we like it. Indian dancer Yamuna Rani moves to the beat of a different drummer as she helps UIC Medical Center Celebrate Indian 50th anniversay of National Independence."

- This Week,UIC, Chicago

"Former Prime Minister H.D Devegowda presented a plaque to Yamuna Rani on behalf of Federation of Indian Associations conferring on her the title 'Natya Kovide'. She got this award in appreciation for her dance performance."

- India Tribune,Chicago

"Yamuna kept the audience spell bound with her interpretations of the varied numbers revealing expertise both in pure dance and Abhinaya aspects."

- Hassan Mitra, Hassan

"Among the youngsters of today,Yamuna's hardship in getting herself trained by the famous exponents has paid off. Yamuna was excellent in both Nitrya and Abhinaya."

- Andolana, Mysore

"It is really amazing to witness these folk dances in USA, wheras people in India have forgotten their culture. Keep it up Yamuna Rani."

- Gyanpeet Award Recipient Mr. U Ananth Murthy during WMKC2000

"I thank you very much Smt.Yamuna Srinidhi for helping out the construction project & to maintain the worship of the Deities which benefits all those who visit their Lordships."

- Shyamasundar Das, Hare Krishna Dham, Houston at the fund raiser-2007

"Dedicated Yamuna's biggest asset is let be the emotions, or the dance she gets immersed herself in the act. We get lost in her performance – 2009"

- Dr.Nallur Prasad R K Director, Kendra Kannada Sahithya Parishat, Bangalore

"Yamuna Srinidhi is a rare Nidhi (treasure) in the World of Dance. Blossoming her body, moving eyes,bringing emotions thru her magical fingers, with the silent feet she is capable of enchanting the audience."

- 'Chukki' Ballukininda Belaku, Kannada Prabha-2011

"Even in America giving the experience of 'Gurukula' (…….) style education & not only training her students in the practical aspect of dance but to give them the knowledge of theory has become favorite Yamuna Aunty to our children. We are all her biggest fans"

- Nrityasiri centers parents, Houston, USA

"Yamuna's Achievement at such an young age has the almighty's blessing."

- His Holiness Sri Sri Balagangadharanatha Swamiji, Sri Adichunchura Giri Mutt

Latest News

ETV 2013
Yamuna has been chosen to act in a major role for E-TV’s Äshwini Nakshatra” a Kannada soap

ETV 2013
Yamuna has been chosen to act in a major role for E-TV’s Äshwini Nakshatra” a Kannada soap

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Yamuna Srinidhi
5123, Jackwood Street, Houston,
TX - 77096
Phone - 281-245-0871
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